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A good place to start is to look at how the most common sentence structures in Spanish and English compare, so you can get an idea of how to form sentences.
This list of the most common Spanish words and their translation should serve as a reference, not something you try to memorize in isolation. We also added example sentences, but those might be too complicated as a beginner.
Cognates are words that share linguistic family in two languages and sometimes are identical or very similar. Here's a list of English-Spanish cognates that will kick start your vocabulary. You'll realize how many words you already know!
As you continue to make progress, here's a compilation of the best books (graded readers and bilingual texts), YouTube channels and podcasts for beginners to immerse in Spanish.
Fantastic Spanish-English dictionary. Provides details about different meanings, pronunciation, example sentences, and even expressions! It also offers grammar guides and flashcards.
The most accurate translation tool on the internet. It also provides the option of clicking on a particular word in a sentence to get alternative translations.
Very active forums to ask anything about Spanish: what does a word in this context mean, how to say something in a particular way or clear up any grammar rules you're unsure about.
A repository of audios recorded by native speakers that show you how to pronounce certain words and even sentences. With Spanish, you can filter by country too.